Congratulations Sarina Little!

Sarina Little scouting potential LOCSS study lakes in the Pyrenees of France, July 2019
We Are Grateful To Sarina Little For All She Has Done For LOCSS, And Wish Her The Best In Her New Job.

In 2018, we welcomed Sarina (Basile) Little to the LOCSS project team. At that time, Sarina began working as a graduate student in the lab of Tamlin Pavelsky, the LOCSS project lead. Sarina has done many things for LOCSS in her time on the project, including installing new lake gauges, calculating lake surface area changes using satellite imagery, and investigating the relationships between lake volume changes for LOCSS study lakes.

In May, Sarina graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a Master of Science degree in Geological Sciences. She is now moving on to a new job with the US Geological Survey in Raleigh, NC. She will soon begin work as a Hydrologic Technician, where she will monitor lake height and stream discharge across the state.

The LOCSS team is very thankful to have had the opportunity to work with Sarina for nearly two years, and we are very excited for her in her new opportunity.

Congratulations Sarina!


We share stories about the lakes in our study, our partners and volunteer citizen scientists, as well as interesting results from our research.

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