LOCSS App for Android Is Released!

LOCSS App Screenshot
You Can Help Us Validate Satellite Data

Since our project began in 2017, we have combining lake height data that has been provided by citizen scientists with lake surface area data from satellites, to monitor how the volume of water in lakes is changing over time. We will continue this work for all of our study lakes, but we are excited to announce that citizen scientists can now help us test how accurate those satellite measurements of lake surface area are.

Our team has recently released the "LOCSS Area" app for Android phones. Now citizen scientists can can help us validate satellite data in just a few simple steps. To help, they simply open the app on their mobile phone, choose to "start tracking" the lake's edge, and then walk within a few feet of the lake's edge. They could choose to walk all the way around the lake, some portion of the lake, or even map a single point.

The LOCSS team will then compare the data you provide with the data we get from satellites to get more accurate surface area measurements of our lakes.

For those of you who are Apple users, we have an app that will work on your phone in development, so stay tuned!


We share stories about the lakes in our study, our partners and volunteer citizen scientists, as well as interesting results from our research.

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Project developed by:
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In collaboration with:
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With funding provided by:
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