LOCSS at American Geophysical Union Meeting

LOCSS at the World's Largest Earth and Space Science Meeting

Each year, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) holds a fall meeting for scientists from across the globe. It is the largest earth and space science meeting in the world, and typically has more than 20,000 participants. This year's meeting was held in San Francisco from December 9-13, and the LOCSS project lead, Tamlin Pavelsky, was invited to present a poster about his work.

The poster, titled Combining Citizen Science and Satellite Data to Better Understand Lakes, touched on our work with the LOCSS project as well as Dr. Pavelsky's work in using satellite imagery to detect lake ice breakup and freezeup dates. The poster shared preliminary findings about citizen scientists' accuracy when submitting measurements, their motivations for participating in the LOCSS project, and some hydrologic questions that we are looking to answer through the LOCSS project. The LOCSS team has been learning some very interesting things in these areas, and we are excited to share them with you through posts and newsletters in 2020.

This marks the third consecutive year that we LOCSS has shared findings at the AGU fall meeting, including a poster presentation in 2017 and a talk by Dr. Pavelsky in 2018.


We share stories about the lakes in our study, our partners and volunteer citizen scientists, as well as interesting results from our research.

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