LOCSS Continues To Grow in Chile

Gauge installation in Lo custodio wetland
We are collaborating with local partners to expand our work in Chile!

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September brought good news for LOCSS. We continue to expand our network in Chilean lakes and wetlands. We are pleased to announce a new collaboration with Universidad Santo Tomás, who, together with our collaborator María Pedreros, a PhD candidate from Universidad de Concepción, have installed a gauge in Laguna Lo Custodio in the city of Concepción, Chile. María facilitated the connection with Fabiola Norambuena, a PhD candidate from Universidad Santo Tomás. Fabiola leads innovative research focused on rehabilitating ecosystem services in urban wetlands. Her study is based on the evaluation of constructed wetland ecotechnologies, a strategy considered a Nature-based Solution. As part of this project, Fabiola is collecting data on parameters such as water quality and sediment in the Lo Custodio wetland. This data will be evaluated along with measurements of water levels in the wetland.

LOCSS celebrates this collaboration as a significant step towards the expansion of our network and the strengthening of scientific knowledge for the benefit of Chile's aquatic ecosystems.

There are now six lakes that have joined LOCSS in Chile, all thanks to the support of various institutions and groups of people in charge of the protection and conservation of these water bodies. In addition to having the authorization of the Municipalities of Concepción and San Pedro de la Paz, this effort has the participation of:

Junquillar Corporation, in Junquillar Lagoon.

Biobío Wetlands Network (RHBB), in Laguna Grande de San Pedro.

Association for the Antihuala Lagoon, in Antihuala Lagoon.

Llacolén sports fields provide access to Laguna Chica de San Pedro.

The Program for the Recovery of Environmental Services of Ecosystems of the Province of Arauco, PRELA, in Lake Lanalhue.


We share stories about the lakes in our study, our partners and volunteer citizen scientists, as well as interesting results from our research.

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