Our Lakes

We are currently studying lakes in North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia

To View Lake Data or to Add a Measurement, navigate to the region below.

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We are currently studying 11 lakes in Alberta with plans to expand soon.

We are currently monitoring more than 100 lakes in Bangladesh.

We are studying 8 lakes in Chile, with more to come!

We are currently studying 5 lakes in Colombia with more to come

We are currently monitoring 18 lakes in the Pyrenees region of France.

We are monitoring and studying 18 Illinois lakes.

We are currently studying 3 lakes in India

We are currently studying 5 lakes in Kenya.

We are currently studying 3 lakes in Massachusetts.

We are currently studying 2 lakes in Nepal, with plans to include more in the future!

We Are Studying 21 Lakes In New Hampshire

We are currently studying 8 lakes in New Jersey.

We are currently studying 15 lakes in New York.

We are monitoring and studying 17 lakes in North Carolina.

We will soon be studying lakes in Ohio!

We are currently studying 2 lakes in Pakistan

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Project developed by:
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In collaboration with:
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With funding provided by:
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